We’re back with our monthly piece about good seasonal excuses for sending text messages to clients. Let’s look at what interesting days we have in September.
1st September
“The glorious sea – the sacred Baikal …”. This uniquely beautiful Siberian lake has enchanted poets, scientists and tourists from many countries. Bai-Kul (Baikal) means “rich lake” in Turkic languages.
In order to draw attention to the significance of this unique natural phenomenon, and encourage the general public to help preserve the lake,in 1999, Baikal Day was established. It is celebrated on the first Sunday of September.
Today, Baikal Day has received national and global recognition, and has become an important and popular date in the calendar.
This is a good reason to expand your and your clients’ horizons, and to learn more about the natural wonders of our planet. For example, you can organize an informative evening in your cafe dedicated to the Siberian lake and other beautiful places.
“September 1st is the day of Siberian Lake Baikal. What do you know about this magnificent place? Come to our café, share your knowledge and learn something new. Tell us about your favourite places”
5th September
International Day of Charity, established by UN General Assembly Resolution No. A / RES / 67/105 of March 7, 2013, is celebrated annually on September 5.
The purpose of the Day is to attract public attention to the activities of charitable organizations and individuals in overcoming poverty and acute humanitarian crises, and, of course, encourage their work by mobilizing people, public organizations and interested parties in the world to participate in volunteer and charity activities.
This is a very good and noble reason to send out SMS. You can arrange fundraising for some charitable organization.
“International Day of Charity is the best reason to raise funds to help develop literacy around the world. Visit us today, buy any product, and we will send all the proceeds from the sales to the assistance fund”
9th September
Each person is beautiful in their own way. So why not devote the whole day to this? International Beauty Day is celebrated every year on September 9th. This year you can become a part of it. Remind your clients about this wonderful day by sending them an SMS mail-out. And as a bonus, you can offer a discount on your goods or services.
“Today is International Beauty Day and we want to tell you that you are beautiful! Also, we are offering you a 5% discount on our entire range”
22nd September
World Car-free Day, which is celebrated annually on September 22nd in many countries, is held to promote the idea of walking, cycling and the use of public transport. The main motto of the Day is: “The city as a space for people, a space for life”.
Too many cars is not only a big city problem. This problem has long been a global one. After all, motor transport destroys the biosphere of the planet.
While realizing that in modern conditions it is simply impossible to completely abandon cars, once a year, city leaders and heads of various organizations want to remind the public about the problems that these vehicles bring with them. On this day, different cities in many countries encourage the public to reduce their use of cars for city trips in favour of trams, trolleybuses, buses, subways and other types of public transport, as well as bicycles and walking. In some cities, specially organized events are also held on this day.
It would certainly be public spirited to join in on this day, and also remind your clients about it.
“Today is World Car-free Day. For all customers who leave their cars behind in favour of bicycles, walking or public transport, we are offering a 10% discount on our lunch menu”
Of course, in September there are many more interesting events. We have just picked out a few of them. Find your own good reasons to send text messages to your clients. We’ll be back with more in October.