The year 2019 has already begun, so it’s time to talk about the marketing trends that it has brought to us. We have selected some of them for you.
Focus on the content
People can get overwhelmed by advertising. To avoid this, in 2019 it won’t be important what you offer them, but rather how. The text of your messages should be well thought out, catchy and unobtrusive. Of course, this can be challenging, because in SMS marketing, you have a limited number of characters. However, the results can be worth it.
Personalization and segmentation
Big data* has always been a part of advertising, but with the development of technology, more and more digital marketers appreciate the undeniable advantages of potential client insights (preferences, geo-location, time spent on the Internet, etc) that were previously unavailable. With the help of Big Data, an advertiser can analyze the target audience with maximum accuracy, reducing the cost of creating and placing advertising.
Reduce time
Optimizing time is one of the main trends in marketing in 2019. The time spent on developing advertising campaigns and sending SMS mail-outs should be reduced. It is better to spend the time once to work out an individual style, template, design, targeting settings, etc, than to do it again each time.
Chat bots are gaining popularity. According to analysts, 85% of customer interactions will be conducted through chat bots by 2020. What advantages does a chatbot have? First of all, the chatbot provides communication with the client 24/7, and more or less simulates live communication. Therefore, you can safely include links to chat bots in your messages. These robots will be able to provide more detailed information about your product or service.
If you want to be on the top in 2019, it is important to keep up with progress, introduce new technologies into work and amaze the audience. Follow the new marketing trends and create SMS mail-outs using the Intis Telecom platform.
* Big data is a variety of tools, approaches and methods for processing both structured and unstructured data in order to use it for specific tasks and purposes.