Earth Hour is a global annual international event organised by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), which is held annually on one of the last Saturdays in March (this year it is on March 28). On this day, at the appointed time, people in different countries of the world turn off their lights and other electrical appliances for one hour.
Earth Hour is, above all, a symbolic act to show respect for nature, a public call for decisive measures to preserve the climate of our planet while also showing concern for the squandering of its limited resources.
You can become a part of this event. You can also invite your subscribers to join you. Just send them an SMS.
“On March 28, the whole world will disconnect their electrical appliances from the network for an hour. We will devote this time to our planet. Join Earth Hour! Let’s make our planet better together”
In order to persuade your customers to participate in Earth Hour Day, you can organise special events to entertain them and make it feel worthwhile.
Invite your customers to spend Earth Hour at your place. For example, you can organise an informative lecture on the problems of climate change, explaining what each of us can do to help.
“On March 28, the first “Lecture in the Dark” will be held at Pie Café. A lecturer will tell you about the changes to the climate that are happening on our planet, what action is being taken now to prevent disaster and what else needs to be done to stop things getting worse. Come to us for Earth Hour and learn all about it”
You can also take the occasion to just have fun with your customers, playing board games or discussing a new book. The main thing is to respect all the conditions of Earth Hour..
“Are you afraid of the prospect of spending an entire hour without electricity, in the dark, and bored? Then come to us. On March 28, at the appointed time, we will turn off the electricity and play board games”
You can start holding events dedicated to Earth Hour Day in advance. For example, arrange a sale of pastries, the income from which (in part or in whole) will be used to fight climate change. Don’t forget to tell your clients about this via SMS.
“We are opening our annual baking sale dedicated to Earth Hour. Until March 28, when you buy any pie at our café, you contribute to the fight against climate change on our planet. Let’s make the world a better place!”
By taking part in Earth Hour, you become a part of a community that is urgently trying to raise global awareness of the problem of climate change on our planet and to promote the idea of the need for joint action in solving this environmental problem.
If you decide to cut the electricity for an hour on March 28, and you would like to encourage your subscribers to do so too, then use your Intis Telecom account to easily and quickly create an SMS mail-out.