If you have a good customer base for SMS mail-outs, this is no guarantee of great results from advertising. As with many things in life, timing is critical when sending out your messages. There is no unequivocal opinion about the most effective time. Here are some general recommendations that should be considered when you send your text messages:
What should be considered when choosing a the time for SMS mail-outs?
Messages that subscribers receive at night, as a rule, aren’t read. In addition, messages which disturb clients who are resting, may often be poorly received. If your customers live in different regions, SMS mail-outs should be sent in groups by time zone, so that customers receive them at the right time.
The optimal time for SMS mail-outs is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Offers such as weekend shopping or weekend visits to entertainment venues (nightclubs, cinemas etc) should be sent on Thursday or Friday before 3 p.m. People plan weekend shopping usually after lunch on Thursday. Nightclubs are visited at weekends, so people make plans for their evening entertainment on Thursday or Friday.
Psychologists recommend sending out information in the morning to those who are busy at work. At this time, a person is still full of energy and makes decisions faster. They may call you either immediately, or at lunchtime. It is recommended to send offers of goods or services before lunch, so that clients have time to think over your proposals.
Don’t send text messages at lunch time. Subscribers may not pay attention to them at all, or they can be perceived as intrusive.
It is important to consider the content of the information that you send when picking a time. For example, a text message about repayment of a loan is better to send from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. or from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m.; offers from pizzerias, restaurants, or cafés should be sent before lunch or at the end of the working day; offers for grocery shopping should be sent in the afternoon, so that a subscriber can plan purchases to be made on the way home.
You need to keep in mind that your clients may be busy with other things, and they will need time to think about your offers and respond to them.
The right sending time plays a huge role in your SMS mail-outs’ efficiency. Pick it carefully and always think about your clients. And don’t forget that you can set the optimal time for your SMS mail-out in our Excel plugin – SMS4Office.