Picking the right day and the right time for SMS mail-outs isn’t a very easy process, but we’ve figured out that it’s possible. Today we’re going to look at some more issues that affect that bottom line of opening rates.
The audience type
It’s better to synchronize sending text messages with your clients’ schedules, because different people read them at different times. For example, businessmen usually read messages during lunch breaks on weekdays, and ordinary workers do this after work; late at night or at weekends. Young people are most active in the evening and at night.
You can save different time schedules and templates for your SMS mail-outs with the help of the Intis Telecom platform. You can find the same functions in the SMS4Office Excel plugin which allows you to work right from your desktop.
The content
Interesting content is a key to increasing the number of hits on your website. It is not easy to write an eye-catching text when you have a 160 character limit. However, you can do this by following some advice:
- start with a personalization;
- be short;
- your text should be clear;
- don’t mislead your clients;
- offer something interesting;
- tell them the details.
You can read more information about how to write an effective SMS in our article.
Also, one important thing to bear in mind is the type of SMS mail-out you want to send. Different types should be sent on different days:
- It is better to send entertainment content, information about events, different travel and educational offers on Friday evenings or at weekends.
- You can send business offers from Tuesday to Thursday.
- Monday is a good day for polls and feedback.
Factors affecting opening rates
When you want to send SMS mail-out to your clients, don’t forget about various factors. We are talking about holidays, weather, etc. SMS mail-outs on holidays always have a higher opening rate and more website hits regardless of the day of week.
What do your customers do in the rain and snow at the weekend? Sit at home. Maybe it’s a good time to send them text messages with educational offers or links to entertainment websites?
The audience’s longitude
It is easier to find the right time for SMS mail-outs when you live in the same time zone as your client. However, large companies often work in several time zones. Keep this in mind so that customers receive messages at the right time.
Of course, our article is only to be read as general advice. You need to find your own way to find the perfect time for your SMS mail-outs. For this reason, don’t forget about A/B testing before you start to send messages to customers.