After buying a home, a car is the 2nd most expensive physical item a person will buy during their entire lifetime. People love cars and take their time choosing the right one. They are not impulse purchases.
If you are in car sales, you need to differentiate yourself. It’s all about building a meaningful relationship with the buyer. Responses have to be fast and your content has to be of value. This is where Business SMS helps immensely.
The No.1 type of content deemed most valuable globally when sent via SMS is appointment reminders. Always SMS your customers with the details of their appointment. Personalise the messages. Take every opportunity to create a personal connection with them. On the day of the appointment, send another personalised reminder in good time.
You should never barrage your customers with content (no matter how nice) so don’t make your interactions too frequent. And get the timing right.
We are Business SMS specialists with over 10 years of experience delivering content just like yours rapidly and accurately around the world. Intis Telecom solutions makes it so easy for you to get going sending SMS rapidly. Sure, SMS has a price but the return on investment is huge.